Randomize Your LFO

We are proud to announce our new mini series: Random LFO for Vital! We created a  bunch of LFO curves and a video explaining what’s it all about which you can check out on youtube or here on the side. We hope this will help you in creating better, more creative unique sounds and patches! We had fun coding this in Python, which took us a small week to throw together. Finally after finalizing each pack we created some artwork in our usual house style. We hope you like it and get a lot of fun out of it!

Looking for Filter LFO Curves For Vital VST?

We’ve generated a lot for any producer to use in their productions. Redefine your sound instantly with Random LFO: Filter!

Ever wondered how it would be if you could just randomize the LFO curve of your Vital patch and instantly have a new rhythm or filtering modulation? Look no further we’ve got a treat for you. Check out our Random LFO presets for Vital.

The concept of randomization isn’t as simple as it might seem, having something totally random gets you, well chaos and that’s the last thing we really want. We took our time and created some fundamental rules upon how the random should operate so that you end up with more human approach. These are reflected in our different bundles: Filter, Stepped, Organic and Pulse.

Analyzing most of our own LFO curves we noticed there are some usual suspects that reappear. The risor, the fall, the triangle, the sinus, the plateau and all their inversions and variations. So we went ahead and implemented these as possible selections within the randomization. In other words the Vital LFO Curves have different patterns assigned to different sections. Hell, we’ve made it so random, every time we run our code we get different results! Sounds cool? Check out our Random LFO: Filter!


Pulse has been optimized to work for note triggering and rhythm creation. Usually put on a filter so that it occasionally triggers while being silent in between.

Filter has been optimized to work for filter modulation. More full scale, generally gravitating towards the baseline of the curve, having various patterns per section.

Organic has been optimized to work as organic progressions so they usually have a bigger articulation arcs with various patterns sprinkled on top.

Stepped has been optimized to work for note pitch sequencing within Vital itself. There are 55 scales, each having their own random iterations broken down into various grids, so there are a lot of options here.

Gate has been optimized to work well with your trance gating pathes. This one was by user request!

Side-Chain  gives you the pumping action to match to your rithems. It is simular to our Gate pack but uses a slope in curve. Think ‘LFO Tool’ or what most volume shaping tools aim to do.

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